Solar iBoost+
Free hot water from your PV array!
The UK’s favourite PV accessory – install a Solar iBoost+ and watch your heating bills fall!
Automatically consume the surplus PV generated energy at your home! Solar iBoost+ is our latest automatic water heating device for pv system owners. Its increased efficiency and extra functions deliver even more savings and when coupled with iBoost Buddy you can conveniently monitor and control Solar iBoost+ within the home.
Solar iBoost+ is brought to you by Marlec, manufacturers in wind and solar renewables since 1979. With over 45,000 Solar iBoost products successfully working in UK homes installers recommend it!
With Solar iBoost+ fitted you will:
- Cut the cost of water heating in your home.
- Reduce the use of your boiler.
- Maximise the use of the free solar energy generated at
your property.
Solar iBoost+ uses only the energy that would otherwise be exported.
With Solar iBoost+ fitted you will:
- Cut the cost of water heating in your home.
- Reduce the use of your boiler.
- Maximise the use of the free solar energy generated at
your property.
Solar iBoost+ uses only the energy that would otherwise be exported.
Typical example of Solar iBoost+ captured energy:
- Generation 2700 W
- Energy Consumed 1400 W
- Potential Export 1300 W
- Energy Diverted 1200 W
- Energy Exported 100 W
How does it affect my Feed in Tariff payments?
This depends on the type of scheme operated in your country but many tariffs are reducing as energy costs are rising, favouring “self consumption” of PV and wind powered home generation.
Generation based FiT’s are not normally affected as the Solar iBoost only measures what is exported. In the UK, the additional export tariff is typically unmetered and therefore self consumption is most advantageous.
Benefits on net metering systems depend on the tariff paid but it may be more cost effective to consume the electricity.
How it works
The Solar iBoost+ concept is to divert the surplus solar photovoltaic energy generated at your home to heat the
water in the household tank and save you money.
Using just a single clamp installed at the household meter the Sender transmits vital export energy information to the Solar iBoost+ wirelessly.
Solar iBoost+ is activated when excess energy is available. It intelligently controls and adjusts the flow of energy to the immersion in proportion with the fluctuating export levels.
Water is heated during the day using excess energy only up to the immersion thermostat’s msetting. You can top up if required from usual heating methods or using the Solar iBoost’s grid power functions.
A simple design with innovative and clever features
- Solar iBoost+ fits quickly and neatly next to your water cylinder wired simply between a fused spur and the immersion. No need to change your standard immersion heater up to 3kW.*
- It responds rapidly to the varying home consumption and changing weather ensuring that only excess power is used.
- Solar iBoost+ features connections for 2 immersions, switching between them automatically to maximise electric water heating systems.
- Wireless Sender eliminates unsightly and costly wiring.
- Solar iBoost+ displays real time information “Heating by Solar 1.6kW” and historical energy saving figures are seen at the push of a button. View this and more data using the optional iBoost+ Buddy home display.
- LED’s also give an instant visual indication of the system in operation.
- Simple programmable timer enables Solar iBoost+ to work in harmony with your existing water heating system on a 5/2 day basis. Even separate winter and summer settings can be programmed and switched between at the push of a button.
- Selectable languages; French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish.
- Built-in Boost override switch keeps you in control so you can top up your hot water in 15 minute increments up to 2 hours.
- Solar iBoost+ is ready to connect wirelessly to the iBoost+ Buddy if added at installation or a later date.
- CE compliance to all product and safety standards conducted by independent test laboratories.
- 2 year warranty.
- Dimensions: 288x255x100mm 1.95kg

The products we use in our Solar PV systems:
Trinasolar Vertex S PV Module
Approved installers of Trinasolar Vertex S PV solar panels.
Longi 425W Black
LONGi has been in the solar photovoltaic business for over 20 years, which is important as you can trust that they will be in business over the lifetime of your panels.
Jinko Tiger 430W Black
Your approved Jinko Solar Tiger Neo N-type installer.