Solar Thermal Systems

Capture the energy from the sun to heat up water to use in the home

While Solar PV system turn the sun’s energy directly into electricity, solar thermal panels harness the sun’s energy by turning the solar radiation into heat. This heat is normally then used to heat water for use in the home.

At the heart of every solar thermal system is the collector. UK Solar Services Ltd. currently recommends and installs Austrian-made GREENoneTEC flat plate panels that suit most property types. With more than 30 years experience in the solar market, GREENoneTEC is the world‘s largest thermal flat-plate-collector manufacturer.

Solar Thermal Technology:

Flat-Plate Collectors
• High power in small area
• Higher efficiency at lower operating temperatures


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We are fully MCS Accredited for the installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems. Our MCS registration is NAP-67355/22/1.

The products we use in our Solar Thermal systems:

Explore our range of high-performance solar thermal system products, including the Barilla BRV Single Line Pump Station, DeltaSol® SLL Controller, and GREENoneTEC Collector.